The most effective means to increase efficiency in the global supply chain is to enhance information sharing. Partnerships forged within and between industry and governments that provide advanced information on exports and imports allow for seamless processing and risk management. Our team members have served in critical positions that have developed an intelligence and information-driven approach to the global supply chain. The combination of security and commercial targeting systems builds a resilient regime that can adapt and evolve with international business models.
Efficient, effective and coordinated border management is critical to economic prosperity of the nation and the world. By working with the private and public sector, we help establish a border regime that is consistent across geographic and inter-agency boundaries. Only through partnership and collaboration can all the entities responsible for border management realize such a synergy. We assist industry and governments in developing an integrated, modern, and economically viable border that promotes security and the global economy.
Given the world’s economic climate, the public and private sector must consistently seek new and innovative ways to process cargo and people across borders without sacrificing national or economic security. The rise of just-in-time deliveries and constantly evolving product lines require a dynamic approach to facilitating trade through the supply chain. Industry needs a customs model that maximizes swift processing and government needs a nimble and flexible model that enhances revenue collection and national security. The two concepts are not mutually exclusive. We help, though co-created programs and campaigns of bi-directional information, to develop regulatory schemes that work with and for evolving international business models.
Economic prosperity and global security rely on a well-managed, efficient supply chain in which government and private actors work together toward common goals. Command supports all parties in utilizing collaborative, data-driven, and integrated supply chain solutions in helping clients operate resourcefully and effectively.