Washington Post Asks Command About Experience Working with Joseph Clancy
Amid the swift resignation of Julia Pierson as Secret Service Director, the Obama Administration responded just as quickly. The president and first lady knew that recently-retired Secret Service agent, Joseph Clancy, was the man for the job. Mr. Clancy retired from the Service three years ago, and has since been acting as head of security for Comcast in Philadelphia. Washington political and governmental circles are already swirling with inquiries about Mr. Clancy's reputation within the agency. Command Partners, Commissioner Basham and Steve Atkiss, as well as Senior Advisor, Mickey Nelson, agree that Clancy was the right choice as the Secret Service embarks on a new chapter.
Mr. Nelson has undoubtedly had the most experience with the new interim cheif, having served by his side in the Secret Service for years:
Joe’s a pretty ‘Yes, sir; no, sir,’ just-the-facts kind of guy. He’s very well versed in every level.
To read the full article, please go to: Washington Post