
  • 22 Jun '12

    W. Ralph Basham on Businessweek

    Command Consulting Group principal, W. Ralph Basham, was quoted in the Businessweek article, "Bryson’s Crashes Reveal Gaps in U.S. Cabinet Protections" on June 22. Mr. Basham, former Director of the US Secret Service, provided insight into the Bush Administration's decision not to extend Secret Service protection to all cabinet members and instead, approved a plan to better share threat information between agencies.

    To read the full article, please go to Bryson’s Crashes Reveal Gaps in U.S. Cabinet Protections on Bloomberg Businessweek.

  • 20 Jun '12

    Mo McGowan as Advisor for Implant Sciences

    Implant Sciences announced yesterday that Mo McGowan, a partner of Command Consulting Group and a TSA veteran, has been retained to:

    ... provide national security expertise to advance Implant Sciences and its explosives and drugs trace detectors in the United States market. He will focus on three main segments -- military, homeland defense and security, and federal government security screening.

    As a member of the Implant team that will be ushering in the next generation of homeland defense, Mr. McGowan said:

    Implant Sciences' products are an important part of the answer to numerous security challenges facing the United States. The ability to rapidly deploy systems in response to a security need provides opportunities both in homeland security and for our troops abroad. I'm looking forward to helping the Company get its innovative technology into the hands of key frontline security operators.

    Source: Seeking Alpha

  • 8 Jun '12

    Brian Peterman on CNBC

    Brian Peterman, CEO and President of Command at Sea International (CASI), will be featured on CNBC's Dangerously Rich: Billionaire Super Security.


    Brian Peterman at 00:22.


    Please tune in for the premiere on June 11th 9:30p ET and visit the Command at Sea International (CASI) website at

    Source: CNBC

  • 10 May '12

    Thad Bingel on FOX News “Happening Now”

    CCG Principal Thad Bingel to discuss the U.S. Border Patrol’s new national security strategy with Fox News Anchor Jenna Lee on the May 9 edition of "Happening Now."



    To see Mr. Bingel's previous interview with Fox News Jenna Lee, please go here.

    Source: FOX News

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