
  • 12 Jul '12

    Thad Bingel on “In Depth With Francis Rose”

    Command Consulting Group partner, Thad Bingel interviewed with In Depth with Francis Rose on Federal News Radio and spoke of how the border patrol has more than doubled in size since 2001, going from approximately 9,000 members to upwards of 21,000 today.

    The majority of those [employees] are deployed to the Southwest border, and are immediately in the border area — approximately 18,000 or so — and another 3,000 or more are deployed to the Northern border and to the coastal borders The threats are very different today then from when those stations were established. The border patrol is now going to focus on some of the primary threats they are facing today such as the continued actions of Mexican drug cartels, where every available resource can be focused on thwarting that threat, versus threats from 15 or 20 years ago.

    To read the full article, please go to U.S. Border Patrol to eliminate nine interior stations across the country on Federal News Radio.

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