
  • 17 Jul '15

    Command Partner Thad Bingel Quoted in Washington Post Article on Trump’s Proposed US-Mexico Wall

    As Donald Trump campaigns for the Republican nomination for President, Trump vows to build a massive wall to keep out illegal Mexican migrants. “Building a wall is easy, and it can be done inexpensively,” he said Thursday in an interview with The Washington Post. “It’s not even a difficult project if you know what you’re doing. And no one knows what they’re doing like I do.” Even if such a barrier could be erected, experts and government officials agreed that making it impenetrable is virtually impossible, as is completely securing the entire 1,954-mile border.

    Former senior U.S. Customs and Border Protection official, Thad Bingel says that a wall along much of the entire border may be theoretically possible but may not be desirable.

    Is it desirable? At what cost, and what do you give up to pay for that?


    Every wall can be circumvented. People can go under it, they can go over it. . . . no one should go into this with the idea that if you just build the right kind of wall, no one will get through.

    To read the full article please go to: Washington Post

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